Dr. US astronomer Carl Sagan famous, in his book Cosmos (1980) explains: "Hinduism is the only major world religion which says that the universe experienced birth and death immeasurable, infinite. He is the only religion in which time scale in accordance with the time scale of modern scientific cosmology. Running cycle of day and night we used to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years in length. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang (Big Bang). And still there is a lot longer time scale. "
He presented all the theories advanced by experts of physics astronomy today.He explained about the wavelength of light galaxy growing, expanding universe, the Big Bang theory, Doppler effects, and so on. "Scientists find all the theories that I have mentioned earlier years only recently, whereas here, in India, people already know the information since thousands of years ago, from the books of the Vedas."~ Carl Sagan (Source: Danavir Gosvarni 2002). ----- "When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created the universe that others seem so insignificant." "We owe a lot to Indians who taught us how to count, without the invention useful scientifically impossible. "~ Albert Einstein -----" After a conversation about Indian philosophy, some idea of Quantum Physics which seems crazy suddenly become more reasonable. "~ W. Heisenberg (German physicist, 1901-1976). ----- "Vedanta and Sankhya holds the key to the laws of thought associated with the Quantum Field. Such as the operation and distribution of particles at the atomic and molecular level. "~ Prof. Brian David Josephson (1940 -) ~ Physicist Wales, the youngest Nobel laureate. (Source: A Tribute toHinduism) ----- Sanskrit called scientific language. According to research by NASA (US space agency) in the magazine AI (Artificial Intelligence) that was published in the spring of 1985 the results of research Rick Briggs, Sanskrit is the only language that can be translated directly into the language of computer programming, the only language that can express any conditions that exist in the universe clearly. "As we shall see, there is a language used among the ancient scientific community that has zero deviation. This language is Sanskrit. "~ Rick Briggs (NASA). -----
God almighty One and Almighty is Brahman, Maha Vishnu is the personification ofBrahman supreme.

Every one universe oval, composed of many galaxies, one of Lord Brahma.
"Kāranodakaśāyi Vishnu (Vishnu Maha): Vishnu lying in the ocean causes (Causal Ocean) and He breathed a lot of the universe".
Illustration picture above certainly does not describe the real universe, the universe is composed of: nature visible (bhutakasha) are so large, only the smallest part of the fine natural or mental nature (chittakasha). So in nature subtle, natural visible we know just like an atom is very small.
But nature smooth only a very small segment of nature's most subtle and far wider that can be expressed as natural causal (chidaakasha) are not infinite magnitude.The third universe is often called three worlds.
But nature smooth only a very small segment of nature's most subtle and far wider that can be expressed as natural causal (chidaakasha) are not infinite magnitude.The third universe is often called three worlds.
"Called the nature of causal, because of the very fine natural part this arises the visible universe and smooth. Third nature is immeasurably so it may not be understood by the human mind or described by words. It was beyond the capacity of imagination and beyond reason to understand it. Nevertheless, there is the principle of Godhead outside all overcome the invisible, subtle, and causal. This is called first of all early (mahakarana). God is beyond all three of this nature, he controlled the whole of nature. He mastered the time that has past, present, and future. "
Brahma Samhita Sloka 13
seeds transcendental (anti-matter) Sankarsana emerged from the "pores" Maha Vishnu in the form of a golden egg countless while maha-Visnu "lie" in the oceans cause, all the eggs are still covered by the material elements big.
seeds transcendental (anti-matter) Sankarsana emerged from the "pores" Maha Vishnu in the form of a golden egg countless while maha-Visnu "lie" in the oceans cause, all the eggs are still covered by the material elements big.
Scientifically the emergence of the universe from the "pores Kāranodakaśāyi Visnu" This is an area where the change of energy into matter (creation of the universe of matter), which is the opposite of Pralaya where matter turns into energy (fusion). This seems consistent with the theory of physics Recent where the energy can not be created or destroyed, or the law of conservation of energy.
That is the so-called terms of Judgment is more appropriately called smelting, as merely a fusion of matter into energy ("power"). Actually, the word means Pralaya or smelting area including the death and destruction as one aspect of creation (the symbol of Shiva as the fuser), Maha Pralaya intended as smelting or refund all the material back into the causal energy.
There are several stages of the scale Pralaya time began 4.3 billion years (one day during the Brahma), partial pralaya which also include Heaven and Hell, up to 311 billion earth years (end of life of Brahma) where all these "eggs universe Brahmanda" absorbed back by Brahman.
The universe is currently located in the year - 51 Brahma or 155 trillion years after the Earth was born Brahma. Once past the age to Brahma - 100, a new cycle begins again, every creature that has been destroyed recreated, and so on.
Bhagavad-gita 7.6
All created beings derived from both natural. Know for sure that I was the source of the embodiment and melting everything in this world, both material and spiritual.
All created beings derived from both natural. Know for sure that I was the source of the embodiment and melting everything in this world, both material and spiritual.
Bhagavad-gita 9.7
O son of Kunti, at the end of time, all material manifestations enter into my power, and at the beginning of another era, I create it again with my power.
O son of Kunti, at the end of time, all material manifestations enter into my power, and at the beginning of another era, I create it again with my power.
Bhagavad-gita 9.8
The whole arrangement of the universe under me. My will upon the universe itself is manifested repeatedly. Over my will the universe eventually merged.
The whole arrangement of the universe under me. My will upon the universe itself is manifested repeatedly. Over my will the universe eventually merged.
Bhagavad-gita 9:10
This material nature, one of my workers, working under my command, and produce all the creatures that move or not move, O son of Kunti. Under the laws of material nature, this manifestation is created and melted repeatedly.
This material nature, one of my workers, working under my command, and produce all the creatures that move or not move, O son of Kunti. Under the laws of material nature, this manifestation is created and melted repeatedly.
Srimad Bhagavatam 5:18:31
God, this visible cosmic manifestation is a demonstration of your own creative energy. Because the forms are countless in the form of the cosmic manifestation is just an external energy display you alone ..
God, this visible cosmic manifestation is a demonstration of your own creative energy. Because the forms are countless in the form of the cosmic manifestation is just an external energy display you alone ..
In the book Puranas and Upanishads illustrated that the universe formed and evolved gradually. Creation of the universe in the book of the Upanishads described as spider spinning the yarn stage by stage.
Rigveda II.72.4
"Aditer dakso ajayata, daksad uaditih rays".Meaning: From aditi (material) originally physically disabled (energy) and of physically disabled (energy) aditi origin (material). It turns out that this astonishing theory has been written in the Vedas. E = m.c2 Albert Einstein was not a new thing in the knowledge of the Vedas.
"Aditer dakso ajayata, daksad uaditih rays".Meaning: From aditi (material) originally physically disabled (energy) and of physically disabled (energy) aditi origin (material). It turns out that this astonishing theory has been written in the Vedas. E = m.c2 Albert Einstein was not a new thing in the knowledge of the Vedas.
Rigveda II, 11:20
"Avartayat suryo na disc"
The sun spins like a wheel on its axis.
"Avartayat suryo na disc"
The sun spins like a wheel on its axis.
Weda Atharwa XII.1.37
"Yes what vijamana sarpam vimrgvari"
means: the Earth moves rotating and bertranslasi
"Yes what vijamana sarpam vimrgvari"
means: the Earth moves rotating and bertranslasi
Yajur Veda III.6
"Chicken gauh prsnir akramid, asadan Mataram purah, pitaram caprayam svah"
"Chicken gauh prsnir akramid, asadan Mataram purah, pitaram caprayam svah"
Meaning: Earth speckled sky there and spins like a mother, she goes around the sun as a father.
From sloka can be seen that in addition to rotating or spinning on its axis, the Earth also revolves around the sun, from this statement very closely with the heliocentric theory which states that the universe is the center of the sun. And clarified by the Book Atharwa Vedas regarding the movement of the Earth. In this book was also explained that how the Earth can survive in space highway because of the force of attraction is more superior, is in the physical sciences has been described by Newton through the theory of gravity that has been described above.
Atharvaveda XIX.7.1
"Citrani Sakam divi rocanani sarisrpani bhuvane Javani"
All this bercahya astronomical constellation spins very fast.
"Citrani Sakam divi rocanani sarisrpani bhuvane Javani"
All this bercahya astronomical constellation spins very fast.
Weda Atharwa VI.106.3
"Suryasya rasmasyah the patanti asumat"
That is sunlight reflected by at breakneck speed. Explanation: the speed of light the sun is 2.99793 x 108 m / s.
"Suryasya rasmasyah the patanti asumat"
That is sunlight reflected by at breakneck speed. Explanation: the speed of light the sun is 2.99793 x 108 m / s.
Yajurveda IX:
3 "Apam rasam udvayasam surye Santam samahitam, Apam rasasya rasah yo"
means: the essence of the most refined form of water in the sun. Explanation: The sun is actually a glowing ball of gas, the main component of gas hindrogen andhelium. Hydrogen (H2) can react with oxygen (O2) produce water (H2O). The reaction 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) a 2 H2O (l).
3 "Apam rasam udvayasam surye Santam samahitam, Apam rasasya rasah yo"
means: the essence of the most refined form of water in the sun. Explanation: The sun is actually a glowing ball of gas, the main component of gas hindrogen andhelium. Hydrogen (H2) can react with oxygen (O2) produce water (H2O). The reaction 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) a 2 H2O (l).
Atharvaveda XIV.1.2
"Somena Aditya balinah"
That is, the sun produces energy from the soma (hiderogen). Explanation: In the Sun continuously occur fusion (merger) of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. The reaction is accompanied by a huge release of energy.
"Somena Aditya balinah"
That is, the sun produces energy from the soma (hiderogen). Explanation: In the Sun continuously occur fusion (merger) of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. The reaction is accompanied by a huge release of energy.
Yajurveda XVIII.40
"Susunah suryarasmis candrama-gandharvah" That is called susumna sunlight, illuminating the moon.
"Susunah suryarasmis candrama-gandharvah" That is called susumna sunlight, illuminating the moon.
Regveda II.27.4
"Dharayanta adityaso universe stha" The sun sustains the whole universe.Explanation: The sun sustains through the radiation energy they contain. For example, the Earth receives from the sun's energy supply of 1.73 x 1017 joules per second. It is only one-fifth the energy of tens of billion of all the energy emitted by the sun. Thus considering the importance of solar energy, the sun is referred to as the first and primary source of energy for life on Earth.
"Dharayanta adityaso universe stha" The sun sustains the whole universe.Explanation: The sun sustains through the radiation energy they contain. For example, the Earth receives from the sun's energy supply of 1.73 x 1017 joules per second. It is only one-fifth the energy of tens of billion of all the energy emitted by the sun. Thus considering the importance of solar energy, the sun is referred to as the first and primary source of energy for life on Earth.
Rig Veda [1.103.2], [1.115.4] and [5.81.2]: Effects of Gravity sun makes the earth is stable. Rig Veda [10.189.1]: This month, becoming a satellite of the earth, the planet rotates mother (Earth) and followed Air-revolution around the Sun, father of the luminous planet itself. Rig Veda [1.169.9], [1.190.7]: Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun like a calf follow Its mother. Rig Veda [1.164.2]: The path oval traversed by the eternal and celestial bodies are not reduced Rig Veda [1.164.29]:the rotation of the earth is not reduced and the earth continues to spin on its axisSama Veda [121]: The sun never sets nor rises because the earth rotates Rig VedaXXX. IV. V: The shape of the Earth is like an oblate spheroid (oblate round). Markandeya Purana 54.12: Earth trim / compressed at the poles (round oblate).
Brahmana Aitareya (3:44): "The sun never sinks or rises. When people think the sun sank but it is not. After arriving at the end of the day, the sun makes himself produced two opposite effects, produces night for what is in the lower hemisphere and daylight in the other hemisphere. Having reached the end of the evening, the sun makes himself produced two opposite effects, resulting in lower parts of the daylight in the evenings and at other parts. In fact, the sun never sank. "
Shrimad Bhagwatam: "After the formation of the planet, Brahma created theatmosphere in seven groups, from the formation of the oceans into existence, and the first forms of life emerged on the planet Earth. Atmospheric been created to protect the skin of the Earth "
Rig Veda 10.149.1: "Sun bind Earth and other planets through the appeal and move around him like a trainer in control of the horse and move around it."(Gravity)
Shrimad Bhagwatam 5.23.5: The shape of çiçumära has a circular head down and his body. At the end of its tail is the planet of Dhruva, on the body of its tail are the planets of the god Prajapati, Agni, Indra and Dharma, and at the base of its tail are the planets of the demigods and Vidhätä Dhätä. Where the hips might be on çiçumära are seven holy sages like Vasiñöha and Aìgirä. Çiçumära body of the circular-disc turns toward the right side, in which the fourteen constellations from Abhijit to Punarvasu located. On the left side are the fourteen stars from Got to Uttaräñäòhä. So his body a balanced because its sides are occupied by the same number of stars. Behind çiçumära is a group of stars known as Ajavéthé, and in the stomach is like a flowing river Ganges in the sky (the Milky Way) [Milky Way].
Atharvaveda III.13.5
"Agnisomau bibhrati what it tah" Water is formed of Agni (oxygen) and soma(hydrogen)
"Agnisomau bibhrati what it tah" Water is formed of Agni (oxygen) and soma(hydrogen)
Rigveda VIII. 72.16
"Adhuksat pipyusim isam urjam, suryasya sapta rasmibhih"
The plants obtain energy from sunlight. Explanation: plants can convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen gas in the presence of leaf green(chlorophyll) and the help of sunlight (blue light and red light). This happens through the process of photosynthesis.
"Adhuksat pipyusim isam urjam, suryasya sapta rasmibhih"
The plants obtain energy from sunlight. Explanation: plants can convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen gas in the presence of leaf green(chlorophyll) and the help of sunlight (blue light and red light). This happens through the process of photosynthesis.
Samaveda 1824
"Tam it samanam vaninas virudho-antarvatis ca ca ca suvate Vivaha"
Plants emit called samana vital air (oxygen) on a regular basis. The explanation:Oxygen (O2) is a byproduct of photosynthesis reaction that is very useful for life, including for breathing.
"Tam it samanam vaninas virudho-antarvatis ca ca ca suvate Vivaha"
Plants emit called samana vital air (oxygen) on a regular basis. The explanation:Oxygen (O2) is a byproduct of photosynthesis reaction that is very useful for life, including for breathing.
Atharvaveda VIII.7.10
"Ugra yes visa-dhusanih osadhih"
Plants destroy the influence of the atmosphere poisonous.
"Ugra yes visa-dhusanih osadhih"
Plants destroy the influence of the atmosphere poisonous.
Yajuveda: 6:22
"Ma po mo sadhir himsih"
Do not pollute the water and do not cut down trees.
"Ma po mo sadhir himsih"
Do not pollute the water and do not cut down trees.
Yajurveda V.43
"Dyam lekhir ma, ma anariksam himsih"
Do not disturb the sky and polluting the atmosphere.
"Dyam lekhir ma, ma anariksam himsih"
Do not disturb the sky and polluting the atmosphere.
On pages 360-70 of the book World Vedic Heritage, Mr. Oak presents a comparative list of words between English and Sanskrit. This shows how much Western culture is derived from knowledge of Vedic / Sanskrit in the field of medicine as well as how many Sanskrit words have been taken into English.
English ================> Sanskrit
fever =================> jwar, then became Jever, then fever
entrails === =============> antral
nasal or nose ============> fateful
herpes ================> serpes
gland ==================> granthi
drip, drop, drops ==========> drups
hydrocephalus ========== ==> andra-kapaalas (brain / head air-moisture)
hiccups ================> hicca
muscle =============== ==> mausal (fat)
malign, malignant =========> Mallen
osteomalacia ============> asthi-malashay (bone contamination)
dyspepsia ======= =======> dush-pachanashay (bad digestion)
Surgeon ================> Salya-jan (the use of sharp instruments)
fertility ======= =========> falati-lti (fruitful)
anesthesia ==============> anasthashayee (lying unconscious)
homeopathy ========= ====> Samaeo-pathy (parallel treatment of the symptoms)
allopathy ===============> Alag-pathy (treatment that is different from the symptom)
fever =================> jwar, then became Jever, then fever
entrails === =============> antral
nasal or nose ============> fateful
herpes ================> serpes
gland ==================> granthi
drip, drop, drops ==========> drups
hydrocephalus ========== ==> andra-kapaalas (brain / head air-moisture)
hiccups ================> hicca
muscle =============== ==> mausal (fat)
malign, malignant =========> Mallen
osteomalacia ============> asthi-malashay (bone contamination)
dyspepsia ======= =======> dush-pachanashay (bad digestion)
Surgeon ================> Salya-jan (the use of sharp instruments)
fertility ======= =========> falati-lti (fruitful)
anesthesia ==============> anasthashayee (lying unconscious)
homeopathy ========= ====> Samaeo-pathy (parallel treatment of the symptoms)
allopathy ===============> Alag-pathy (treatment that is different from the symptom)
In the book World Vedic Heritage work of Mr. PN Oak explains: "If we listen more closely about the terminology allopathi, whether the types of diseases, physical organs, symptoms, rehabilitation, or the equipment turns out that all of it is based on Ayurveda as during the world was united under the auspices of the Administration Veda only Ayurveda which is the only system of medicine which is used throughout the world.
Origin figures are from India. numbers have been used by the Indians in their Maths reference to the VI century. This number system spread from India to Australia and from there spread to Europe in the XII century.
The discovery of the modern number system has a number ranging between 1-9, and the concept of zero (zero) has been accredited to India, symbol 0 from India ,This figure has been used in Hindu astronomy and mathematics references like "Bhakhsali" (300 AD), 'Aryabhata' (500 M) and the "Panch Sidhantica" (600 M).
The discovery of the modern number system has a number ranging between 1-9, and the concept of zero (zero) has been accredited to India, symbol 0 from India ,This figure has been used in Hindu astronomy and mathematics references like "Bhakhsali" (300 AD), 'Aryabhata' (500 M) and the "Panch Sidhantica" (600 M).
The term sinus originating from India. Popularized by mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata which means half tone, "ardha-jya" before it continues to be changed to Gerard of Cremona that translate the Almagest (remember: Ptolemy) at the end of the 12th century, replacing the words above into Latin which means more or less the same , ie sinus. And is Aryabhatta that count "phi" of 3.1416.Many mathematical methods are scattered in texts such as Shatapatha Brahmins, Baudhayanasutra, etc.
As reported in Indian Studies in Honor of Charles Rockwell (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA Edited by WE Clark, 1929), Sebokht wrote that the findings of the Indian nation in the field of astronomy more genius than the Greeks or Babylonians, and system numbers ( decimal) they are superior. (NS Rajaram, p.157, 1995)
The first inventor Calculus modern was an Indian named Bhaskaracarya, where people think it is the contribution of Newton or Liebnitz. Use aljaba r,trigonometric, square and cube roots are also first started in India.
Aryabhatta (497 AD) which calculates the "phi" of 3.1416. Many mathematical methods are scattered in texts such as Shatapatha Brahmins, Baudhayanasutra, etc.
Prof. RG Rawlinson states, "Almost all the theories, beliefs, philosophy, and mathematics, which are taught by Pythagoras already known in India in the sixth century BC".
So few of the things revealed in the scientific Vedic scriptures, Hindu religious scriptures that describe science or knowledge relevant to today's modern knowledge.