Thursday, November 5, 2015

Light meditation

Why light meditation? Because light meditation secure, universal, easy, powerful, convincing, can be learned by anyone and bring people directly to the destination. The light is eternal, holy, universal, not reduced when the for-for or propagated and altered its shape remains the same light and object light it is very easy to be realized in the nature of this rugged, namely with the light of a candle flame, by staring at objects a candle flame and then the impression of light candle finer easily stored in the mental, then the light into aspects of the most delicate when it is stored in the liver ,
The most important thing is love, love is the easy way to God. Light is also interpreted as a manifestation of God's love, sanctity and knowledge. BrahmanAlmighty illustrated as the light that is everywhere as Atman and Paramatman, as well as the meaning of the Gayatri mantra, as Mother of the Veda.
The spread of love is what is taught in a light meditation. With light meditation gradually we are lifted up in the lift to level to divinity is not egoism.
At the moment we want to start meditating, egoism should have been there at the time, and this light meditation is an effort that is easy, efficient and systematic every day to make it rise and permanent. Because the primary goal of all spiritual practice is to eliminate selfishness and bad qualities other, Atman already exists within us, it takes only removes the barrier of consciousness Atman that. Meaningand benefit of meditation is aligned with prayer Gayatri Mantra, can be used one of them, but The second type of Sadhana This can be done as variation and mutually reinforcing, with a set time schedule, such as meditation followed by Gayatri Mantra.
Before meditation that can already imagine the candle's flame, by turning and staring at the candle flame, and later can imagine the candle flame every meditation.
  1. Sit back relax repose mat, thick cloth or mat, body and neck upright but not tense. Chin mudra hand position or dhyani mudra as shown.
  2. Say "Om" in the hearts of as much as 3 times. Then say to myself the word "So" when breathing in and "Ham" while exhaling, for a few moments. Could close his eyes or half open. Mantra Soham this can be done a few minutes as he pleases. "So" meaning He or It, or Brahman and "Ham" means that I am, so I (Atman in themselves) is Brahman.
  3. Imagine the flame of the candle in the forehead between the two eyebrows, close your eyes. From the forehead light into the head, illuminating the head and filling head with love. Think to myself: where there is light, there is no darkness. I'll just think of the good.
  4. Take this light descend slowly toward the heart located in the middle of the chest cavity. Imagine there is lotus. When the light hits it then slowly lotus flower that blooms into a beautiful flower, fresh and pure. Think "my heart is pure and full of love".
  5. Then imagine this light changes shape into a ball of light, brighter and larger.Then into 2 balls of light each brought to the arm right and left. Imagine light illuminates both arms and all the way to the fingers. Intend to myself "hands only doing good deeds and serve all". Pull back each light through the arm and brought down through the abdomen.
  6. Bring light to the leg right and left. Light illuminates the entire leg up on the soles. Intend "Both legs have walked straight towards the goal. This foot just walking toward the good to the places and meet people okay ". Pull back both the light bulb and put back together.
  7. Then take a soft light that is rising upward move through the abdomen, chest,throat and up the cavity mouth. Imagine this light illuminates the entire mouth and tongue. Think of "mouth and tongue just speak the truth as well as the words were polite, helpful, and full of compassion".
  8. After that carry this light toward the two eyes. Let the light illuminates both eyes. Intend "eyes only see the good in everyone and in everything. The eyes should see anyone with affection ".
  9. Slowly bring this light toward the ears. Imagine light illuminates both ears. "This ear just to hear all the good things. The ears will listen to everyone with affection ".
  10. Then take this light into a head once again. Imagine kapala filled with light, filled with love and wisdom. Darkness and ignorance (avidya) expelled from the head.
  11. Imagine the light is greater, sparkling and illuminating the whole body, the whole body filled with light. Feel bodies bathed in light. The longer the greater light to penetrate out bodies radiate around and illuminate the people around,our parents, family, friends and anyone. Love spread and enveloped these people. "Hopefully, our parents always have peace. May all people overwhelmed by affection ".
  12. Further imagine that light the greater, more extensive shining, illuminating the whole world, plants, animals, all beings. Affection covers all places, villages, cities and the whole face of the earth, the galaxy, then the whole universe. The entire universe is filled with light, overwhelmed by the love and peace. Destroy ego and self-interest once again to say to myself: I hope all of them live in happiness and peace.
  13. Feel "I was in the light" and "light also in me". Then, "I am the Light". Everything is melting in the light, the light is ubiquitous. Everything together in affection. For a few minutes to enjoy the unity of this (Adwaita), which is the length at will.
  14. End the meditation by pulling back the light and take it to the hearts of us asjyoti, jyoti is one manifestation of the Godhead universal, and keep it there throughout the day.
In fact there are three stages of meditation: concentration, contemplation and meditation, 
concentration or focus on something intangible that is not practical, it takes something concrete, it is not easy to concentrate on the abstract. The object of concentration may be sound, form and jyoti (flame of a lamp or candle).Conducted only enjoy concentrations running processes such measures to slow, and in the last step to enjoy the unity of the light, then by itself without being compelled to be towards the state of contemplation later if contemplation deepens allows achieving a state of meditation (samadhi) for some time, where the object meditation, people who do meditation and meditation process has not realized yet, there is only one, namely God as illusory gone. Approximately 15-30 minutes is a common duration for meditation morning and evening.
Contemplation is the transition of concentration towards meditation. Meditation process similar to the process of sleep, where the process towards a deep sleep can not be forced, happen by itself when possible.
In everyday life need to live Adwaita, non-duality, our bodies and all other beings are just the same materials everywhere and all the atman is the same atman everywhere. Furthermore, since the material is virtual, there is no form and name, there is no mind / manas. Manas as well as inanimate objects that reflect little light (from atman) so that it looks alive but completely inanimate, because "no mind" then there is no good and bad, no ups and downs, and so on. So the attention on the luminous themselves and not change (atman) is true, which provides power as well as the effect of the glass magnifying glass that focuses the sunlight.
Dikutif from various sources. 
The radiation of Meditation (Dhyana Vahini), Meditation Light (Sathya Sai Meditation On The Light), etc.

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