Thursday, September 18, 2014


Understanding Vedas

Sources of Hindu religion is the Holy Vedas, which is the book which contains the sanctity doctrine revealed by God through the Supreme Sage. Veda is the soul that permeates the entire teachings of Hinduism, like the source of water flowing through rivers continue very long in throughout the centuries. Veda is a sacred word or revelation of God Almighty.

Vedic etymology is derived from the word "Vid" (Sanskrit), which means knowing or knowledge. Veda is a sacred science that is most perfect and eternal and comes from God. Holy Vedas also known as Sruti, which means that the Vedic scriptures is the revelation received by hearing the holy with the mighty sage intuition efflorescence. Also called a book of spells because it contains songs idol. Thus the meaning of the Vedas are Sruti and is a book that should not doubt the truth and comes from God.

Vedic language
The language used in the Vedas is called Sanskrit, Sanskrit name popularized by Maharsi Panini, namely a grammar writer Sensekerta entitled Astadhyayi which until now is still a staple in the study handbook Sansekerta.Sebelum Sanskrit name became popular, the language used in the Vedas known Daiwi named Wak (language / word of the Gods). People who pioneered the use of Sanskrit grammarian Panini is sage. Then followed by the sage Patanjali in his work is the book of Bhasa. The trail also followed by sage Wararuci.

Vedic division and Content
Vedas are scriptures that cover various aspects of human life required. Based on the material, content and broad in scope, the kind of book that a lot of the Vedas. maha sage Manu divided the contents of the Vedas into two major groups, namely the Vedas and Vedic Sruti Smerti. The division is also used for naming all types of books are classified as the Vedas, both of which have grown and grown according to interpretation as done for generations by tradition or revelation as a valid scientific institutionally. Group Vedic Sruti it only contains a revelation, while the Smerti content come from Vedic Sruti, so a manual, textbook, which the sides are not in conflict with Sruti. Both Sruti and Smerti, both are a source of Hindu religion should not be doubtful. Presumably following sloka reinforce the above statement.

Wedo Srutistu wijneyo dharmasastram tu wai smerth, te sarrtheswamimamsye tabhyam dharmohi nirbabhau. (M. Dh.11.1o).

Meaning: Verily Sruti are the Vedas, so too it is dharma Smriti literature, both should not be doubted in any way because they are the holy book is the source of the teachings of Hinduism. (Dharma)

Vedic dharma khilo mulamsmrti sile ca tad widam, iwa acarasca sadhunamatmanastustireqaca. (M. Dh. II.6).

Meaning: The whole Veda is the main source of the Hindu religion (Dharma), and then Smerti beside Sila (good habits from the people who live Vedas). and then show that the tradition of saints and finally Atmasturi (self satisfaction).

Srutir wedah samakhyato dharmasastram smrth wai tu, te sarwatheswam imamsyetabhyam Dharmo winir bhrtah. (S.S.37).

Meaning: Know ye that Sruti is Vedic (and) it actually is Dharmasastra Smerti; both have to be believed to be a way and the truth and obeyed in order Perfected in the dharma.

From the above sloka-sloka, the Sruti and Smerti Solidify that is the very foundation of Hinduism that truth should not be denied. Sruti and Smerti is the foundation that must be adhered to, so that followed his teachings for each usaha.Untuk facilitate discussion of the contents of the Vedic system, the following will describe each part of the Vedas as follows:

Sruti is revelation revealed directly by God (Hyang Widhi Wasa) through the mighty sage. Sruti is the actual Vedic (originair) received through hearing, according periodesasinya derived in four groups or sets. Therefore Vedic Sruti also called Chess or Chess Veda Samhita Veda (Samhita means the set). The Vedic Chess books are:

Rg. Veda or Rg Veda Samhita.
The first was the revelation that the lowered so is the oldest Veda. Rg Veda contains hymns idol, consisting of 10,552 spells and entirely divided into 10 mandalas. Mandala II to VIII, in addition to describing the revelations Sapta Rsi also mentioned as a recipient of revelation. Revelation Rg Vedic sage collected or compiled by Pulaha.

Sama Veda Samhita.
Vedas are a collection of spells and contains teachings about worship songs. Sama Veda consists of 1,875 spells. Just Revelation Vedas compiled by sage Jaimini.

Yajur Veda Samhita.
Is composed of Vedic mantras and mostly come from Rg. Vedas. Yajur Veda contains teachings on subjects yajus. Overall spell spell totaled 1,975. Yajur Veda consists of two streams, namely Yayur Vedas Vedic Yayur White and Black. Revelation Yayur Vedic sage collected by Waisampayana.

Atharwa Veda Samhita.
Is a collection of spells which contains teaching that is magical. Atharwa Veda consists of spells 5987, which also came from Rg. Vedas. Its contents are prayers for daily life like for her recovery and others. Revelation Atharwa Vedic sage collected by Sumantu.

As the names of the places mentioned in the Rg. It can be estimated that the Vedic revelation Rg Veda codified in the Punjab region. While the other three Vedas (Sama, Yayur, and Atharwa Veda), codified in the Doab (the two rivers namely Ganga and Yamuna river valleys. Each section Chess Vedic Brahmins have books whose content is an explanation on how to use the spell in string of ceremonies. Besides the Brahmanas, Chess books of Vedas also has Aranyaka and Upanishads. Aranyaka it is a book of explanations against the spells and Brahmins. while books containing the teachings of the philosophy of the Upanishads, which contains about how to eliminate awidya (ignorance), outlines Atman with Brahman relationship and investigated the secret veil of the universe with all its contents.
books of brahmin classified into Karma Kandha while the Upanishads are classified into Jnana Kanda.

Smerti is Vedas are rearranged based on memory. This arrangement is based on the content of the material in a systematic grouping according to profession. In broad outline Smerti can be classified into two major groups, namely group Wedangga (Sadangga), and group Upaweda.

Wedangga group:
This group also called Sadangga. Wedangga Vedas consists of six fields, namely:

(1). Chastisement (Phonetika)
It includes instructions on how to spell proper pronunciation and low sound pressure.

(2). Wyakarana (Grammar)
A supplement torso Vedic and considered very important and decisive, because to understand and appreciate the Sruti Vedas, is not possible without the help of sense and correct language.

(3). Chanda (song)
Is a special branch of the Vedas that discuss aspects of the bond language called song. Since the writing of the history of the Vedas, Chanda very important role. Because with Chanda, all the verses that can be maintained from generation to generation like the singing catchy.

(4). Nirukta
Contains a variety of authentic interpretation of the words contained in the Vedas.

(5). Jyotisa (Astronomy)
Veda is a complement that list the principal teachings of astronomy needed for guidance in conducting yadnya, it is discussed the solar system, the moon and other celestial bodies are considered to have an influence on the implementation yadnya.

(6). Kalpa
A group Wedangga (Sadangga) is the largest and important. According to the different types of content, Kalpa is divided into several areas, ie areas Srauta, Grhya field, the field of Dharma, and Sulwa field. Srauta contains various teachings about the manner of doing the yajna, penance and others, particularly those associated with religious ceremonies. While the book Grhyasutra, contains various teachings regarding implementing regulations Yajna should be done by people who married. Furthermore, the Dharmasutra is discussing various aspects of social life and state regulations. And Sulwasutra, is loading regulations concerning procedures for making a place of worship, such as temples, temples and other sacred buildings related to the science of architecture.

Upaweda group:
The second group is as important as Wedangga. Upaweda group consists of several types, namely:

(1). Itihasa
It is the kind of epic that consists of two kinds of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Kitan Ramayana written by sage Valmiki. The entire contents are grouped into seven Kanda and shaped poetry. Number of about 24,000 verse poem. The seventh kanda is Ayodhya Kanda, Bala Kanda, Kiskinda Kanda, Sundara Kanda, North Yudha Kanda and Kanda. Each Kanda was the one incident that illustrates ceritra interesting. In Indonesia, a very popular story of Ramayana composed in the form of Kekawin and Old Javanese. This is the oldest Kekawin kakawin arranged around the 8th century.

In addition to the Ramayana, the great epics of the other is the Mahabharata. The book is compiled by Maharsi Wyasa. Its content is telling Bharata family life and describes the outbreak of civil war among the Aryans themselves. Judging from Itihasa meaning (derived from the word "Iti", "ha" and "hope" means "true in fact that's what happened") then the picture of the history of the Mahabharata, which includes the religious, social and political according to Hindu teachings. Mahabharata includes 18 Parwa, namely Adiparwa, Sabhaparwa, Wanaparwa, Wirataparwa, Udyogaparwa, Bhismaparwa, Dronaparwa, Karnaparwa, Salyaparwa, Sauptikaparwa, recensions, Anusasanaparwa, Aswamedhikaparwa, Asramawasikaparwa, Mausalaparwa, Mahaprastanikaparwa, and Swargarohanaparwa.

Parwa-parwa Among these, especially in the book of Bhagavad Gita Bhismaparwa there exists, its contents are very illustrious Sri Krsna's words to Arjuna about the teaching philosophy that is very high.

(2). Purana
Is a collection of ancient stories concerning the creation of the world and the lineage of the kings who ruled in the world, also the genealogy of the gods and bhatara, stories about genealogy and development keturunaan Suryawangsa and Candrawangsa dynasty as well as load-ceritra ceitra which describes the legal proofs been on the run. In addition, the Book Purana also include the main topics describing the thinking of the universe ceritra events, prayers and mantras to pray, how to fast, ritual procedures and instructions on how to bertirtayatra or pilgrimage to the holy places. And most important of the Puranas are books containing the principal teachings of theism (Godhead) adopted by various Hindu madhhab. As for the books Purana was composed of 18 pieces, the Puranas, Bhawisya Purana, Vamana Purana, Brahma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Narada Purana, Bhagawata Purana, Garuda Purana, Padma Purana, Varaha Purana, Matsya Purana, Kurma Purana, Linga Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana and Agni Purana.

(3) Arthasastra
Is a kind of science of the state government. The contents are the main points of thought in political science. As a branch of science, this kind of knowledge is called Nitisastra or Rajadharma or Dandaniti anyway. There are some books which codified into this kind is the book of Usana, Nitisara, Sukraniti and Arthasastra. There are several well-known in the field Nitisastra Acarya is Brhaspati Bhagavan, Bhagavan Usana, and sage Parasara Bhagavan Canakya.

(4) Ayur Veda
Is a book that involves physical and spiritual health with a variety of systems in nature. Ayur Veda is a philosophy of life, both ethically and medically. Because of this, the broad scope of the doctrine codified in the Ayur Vedic cover vast areas and are living things. According to its contents, Ayur Veda meliptui eight fields of science, the science of surgery, internal medicine, the science of medicine, science psikotherapy, science pendiudikan children (child psychology), science of toxicology, the science of miracles and adolescent psychiatry. Besides Ayur Veda, there is also a book written by Caraka Samhita Maharsi Punarwasu.

Even this Book contains eight midwives teachings (science), the treatment of Sciences, Science jens on various common diseases, the science of pathology, anatomy and embryology, diagnosis and pragnosis science, and basic science of therapy, Kalpasthana and Siddhistana. Book is also similar to Ayurveda, is the book Yogasara and Yogasastra. This book was written by Bhagavan Nagaryuna. contents include the main topics of yoga science coupled with anatomical systems are important in fostering physical and spiritual health.

(5) Gandarwa Vedas
Is a book that discusses various aspects of the arts disciplines. There are several important books including Gandharwaweda is Natyasastra (which includes Natyawedagama and Dewadasasahasri), Rasarnawa, Rasaratnasamuscaya and others.

From the above discussion, it is clear that the group Vedic Smerti meliptui many books and codification according to the type of specific areas. Plus religious texts such as Saiwa Religion, Religion and Sakta Religion Vaisnawa and books namely Nyaya Darsana, Waisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and Vedanta. These two latter belonged philosophy that recognizes the authority of the Vedas and basing his teachings on the Upanishads. With this description would be predicted how widespread the Vedas, covers all aspects of human life. In the teachings of the Vedas, the need is discipline, because every science will point to one aspect of the definitive sources anyway. This is what needs to be considered and lived to be familiar with the contents of the Vedas perfectly.

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