Friday, August 1, 2014

Creation of the Universe According to the Vedas

In Manawa Dharmasastra 1.5; The universe explained that this was originally a form of darkness, can not be seen without ciri2 at all, never mind affordable power leh, can not be known, se-olah2 as people who drowned in sleep most menyenyakan.

Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1 states that everything is Brahman.
There is no eternal hell because even hell could not be separated with the Lord. In fact, there is no heaven or hell at the end of time. Universe is just a manifestation of the Almighty, and the end of the cycle of the universe is now called "Mahapralaya" when all back on the Purusa. At the end of time, there is no heaven, no hell and no soul.

Matsya Purana 2.25-30, recounted occurred after Mahapralaya creation, dissolution of the universe, darkness everywhere. Everything is in a state of sleep. There is no material whatsoever, whether movable or immovable. Then Svayambhu, self being, incarnate, which is a form of ESP. He created the water / liquid first, and creates in them the seeds of creation. It had grown into a golden egg. Then Svayambhu enters the egg, and is called Vishnu because entering.

Manawa Dharmasastra 1.8-11; He (God) who wants to create her own all makhluk2 diverse life, with his mind created mula2 They sprang into the seed and egg nature of holies and infinite light, the eggs that he created himself as Brahman, the creator and origin of the universe. from the embryo of (because) this first, that no berbedakan, eternal real and unreal, comes the purusa.

Rg. The Vedas explain that before the creation of the universe in the form of intangible called the golden womb, the womb of the universe or Hiranyagharba.
"Before creation is golden womb, he is lord of all that is born. He holds the earth. "- Rg. Veda 10.121.1

Before creation there was just empty. There is no space or time. There was no material.
"In the beginning, there's nothing at all. There is no heaven, no earth and the atmosphere. "- Taittiriya Brahmana
"The whole universe including the sun, moon, planets and galaxies in the egg. The egg is surrounded by ten qualities from outside. "- Vayu Purana 4.72-73
"At the end of thousands of years, eggs were divided in two by Vayu." - Vayu Purana 24.73
"From the golden egg, created the material universe." - 1:13 Manusmṛti

term natural golden egg or egg just a language that contains the idea of ​​depicting sifat2 chastity / privileges. When the creation of the Universe, Purusa / Prajapati / Brahma creates two forces called Purusa is the life force (inner / name) and Prakerti (pradana / visual) material that is strength. Then comes the "citta" that state of mind which is influenced by the satwam Tri Guna (nature of truth / dharma), Rajah (kenafsuan properties / dynamic) and The Land (Adharma / ignorance / apathy). Then comes Budi (instinct identifier), after which arise Manah (sense and feeling), then arise Ahangkara (ego sense). Having senses arises Dasa (ten faculties / motion desires) are divided into groups;
Panca Budi Indria the five motion action / stimulus: Caksu senses (vision), Ghrana senses (smell), Srota senses (hearing), Jihwa senses (taste buds), Twak senses (touch or palpation).
Panca Karma Indria the five motion action / driving: Wak senses (mouth), Pani (hand), the senses (foot), breast senses (release), Upastha senses (sex).
After that comes a seed of five types of natural objects (Panca Tanmatra): Word Tanmatra (voice), Hotel Seaview Tanmatra (sense of touch), Rupa Tanmatra (vision), Tanmatra Rasa (taste), Gandha Tanmatra (olfactory). Of Panca Tanmatra born five material elements called Panca Maha Bhuta, namely Akasa (ether), Bayu (wind), Teja (light), Apah (liquid) and Pratiwi (solid).
Pancamahabhuta shaped Paramānu or seeds finer than atoms. At the time of creation, Pancamahabhuta move and start up of the universe and fill the void. Each planet and celestial bodies composed of the five elements, but sometimes there is one element that dominates.

"And also created levels than Dewa2 who have to live and move properties, also created Yadnya Sandhya and eternal. also created by him time, part of the time, gugusan2, month2 and planet2 "- Manawa Dharmasastra 1.22-24
"Using five kinds of subtle natural elements (five tanmatra) as a means entire universe was created by Him with perfectly regular arrangement, he set a goal of his creations to the next direction it is a path that follows remains of his creation" - Manawa Dharmasastra 1.27- 28

These elements are mixed with Citta, Buddhi, ahamkara, Dasendria, Pancatanmatra and Pancamahabhuta. From mixing the seed timbulah living things, namely Swanita and Sukla. The second meeting of the seeds causes living beings.

Vedic theory of creation further described in the Bhagavata Purana / Srimad Bhagavatam;
Srimad Bhagavatam (3:11:41) explains: "The layers that cover the elements of the universe, each ten times thicker than the previous layer, and set the whole universe together look like atoms in a huge combination."
Srimad Bhagavatam (5.20.43-46): "The sun was in the middle of the universe, which is in the region of space (antariksha) between Bhurloka and bhuvarloka"

Meanwhile, in the Srimad Bhagavatam scandal 5 chapter 24 says the emergence of the universe from the pores of Lord Vishnu in the form Karanodakasayi, from here comes the next Garbhodakasayi from the navel of Vishnu which he appeared shape that resembles a lotus flower. On top of this lotus flower God created the first living creatures, namely Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma was authorized as the architect who created the arrangement of galaxies and its contents in the universe under their control. Amounted universe and the countless millions who emerged from the pores Karanodakasayi Vishnu and each universe has a Brahma different.

There is a four-headed Brahma as described master of the universe where the Earth is located. And there is also another Brahma that have different attributes, headed 8, 16, 32 and so on. Clearly it can be concluded that Brahma is a position in a universe and the entire universe are the material very much god Brahma, not only the four-faced Brahma who have ordinary spoken by Hindus today.

Brahma created the first thing is the arrangement of space objects, planets, stars and the like start from the most subtle levels to the most rugged. In this creation is explained that Lord Vishnu incarnated as Ksirodakasayi and enter into every atom. This is the almighty God as existing kemahahebatan and master each element in creation. After that Lord Brahma created the various types of life ranging from the gods, aliens, spirits, animals, plants until the bacteria which in total amounted to 8,400,000 species of life.

As the universe expands, he was also given the name Virata derived from the root word 'Vr' which means to cover which also means 'very large'.
"Vrtra tri cover all worlds." - Taittiriya Samhita
"Vrtra was far above in Space." - Rg.Veda 2.30.3
Tri depicts worlds of the universe, so here Vrtra cover the universe. If Vrtra is on the boundary of the universe, he can be said to be so far away.

In Rg.Veda 1:32 depicted that Vrtra (the snake) hold water, dimatra 12 explained that the defeat of Indra Vrtra released seven rivers to flow. Liberation of seven rivers (sapta sindhu) by Indra was not mentioned just once, but over and over again in Rg.Veda. The idea of ​​holding water where snakes are also found in different manuscripts around the world.

Myth of the Quiches, Indian tribes in South America, can be found in the Popol Vuh. Quiches tribes believe that in the beginning was water and the feathered serpent.

In Rg.Veda 4:17:13 Indra referred to as Asanimana which means He who controls lightning. Further in Kausitaki 6.9 Brahmin, Indra is called Asani (lightning). Satapatha Brahmin said: "Who is Indra and Prajapati who? Lightning is Indra and Yajna is Prajapati. "- Satapatha Brahmana

Further in section II.72.4 Rg.Veda mentioned
"Aditer dakso ajayata, daksad uaditih pari" means: From aditi (material) origin Daksha (energy) and from Daksha (energy) origin aditi (material).
Accommodate exposure Vedic verses about the creation of the universe, the Vedic propose a new theory which is different from the general theory of creation that is known now.

Broadly speaking, the Vedas say that the universe emerged from the pores of the Lord which is the enormous energy and subsequently incubated and spread to form materials that meet the universe.

Furthermore, Srimad Bhagavatam in the same scandal explained at the end of a melting of the universe, the universe will re-enter into the pores of the Lord.

Meanwhile, in the late 20th century the scientists observed a black hole has a gravitational field is very large and even draw light into it, the object is called as the Black Hole. So the phenomena associated with the attraction of matter including light into this black hole, the authors propose a hypothesis with a new name in accordance with the concept of creation and the universe melting Vedic version, namely the concept of the Black Hole - White Hole. Despite the fact that there is currently none of scientists who observed the existence of the White Hole, White Hole then produced a theory of general relativity modeling.

Black Hole is a hole where the material (aditi) again changed into energy (Daksha) and White Hole is a hole where the energy (Daksha) transformed into matter (aditi). From the White Hole will form large bubbles that eventually formed the universe from one universe to another universe of each is limited by surface tension / layers of very strong [see Srimad Bhagavatam (3:11:41)].

In the universe itself also formed bubbles (Phena) which gives the distance between the uneven arrangement with another galaxy [see Satapatha Brahmana] Meanwhile, in the universe there are millions of White Hole which each led to a bubble universe. Will the White Hole phenomenon has not been observed by telescopes, the Hubble to date? White Hole appears at the beginning of the birth of the material universe. However, whether the current process of creation of the material universe as the birth of the universe is still going on?

Content Creation and Earth Man
Vedic theory of creation of the content of the earth can be seen in the Manawa Vedic Dharma Smriti literature. there mentioned Brahman creates mahlkuk nature of life and the content of this through his meditation;
"I wanted to create mahluk2 later life, with the intention of creating a tapa run ten Maharsi leader of living things" - 1:34 Dharmasastra Manawa
"They embody Seven Manu again that has brilliant light, the gods with tingkat2annya and Maharsi which has high inner strength" - 1:36 Dharmasastra Manawa
"Also created the yaksa, giants and many levels of spirit, lightning, thunder, clouds, rainbows, rain, suara2 occult, bintang2 moving and diverse sinar2 sky. the kinnaras, plants, various types of fish, kura2, burung2, animals, humans and all sorts benda2 motionless. Thus all creatures that move or not move, was created by the power of his meditation MahaAtma, all of the above commandments and according to the results rather than actions "- Manawa Dharmasastra 1.37-41.
"There are six more spirited Manu sacred and very high-minded, who became residents of Swayambhu Manu manu descent who has made all living creatures in this world" - Manawa Dharmasastra 1.61
"The seventh Manu is the first glorious is Swayambhu Manu, hold and protect all living beings and inanimate objects in the world according to the prescribed period for him" - Manawa Dharmasastra 1.63

In Hinduism, Manu was the leader of each Manwantara, which is an epoch in the eons. There are fourteen Manwantara, so there are fourteen Manu. List of Manu described below from the first to the manu manu fourteenth; Swayambu, Swarocisa, Main, Tamasa, Raiwata, Caksusa, Waiwaswata, Sawarni, Daksasawarni, Brahmasawarni, Darmasawarni, Rudrasawarni, Rocya or Dewasarni and Botya or Indrasawarni. Manwantara today is the seventh and the seventh Manu Manu Waiwaswata degree. So, seven other Manwantara will happen in the future, and led by a new Manu. According to Hinduism, the existence of the universe could not be separated from the cycle of eons. One kalpa lasting for millions of years, and one kalpa consists of fourteen Manwantara (Manu cycle).

The first is Swayambu Manu Manu, a human ancestor. Swayambu Manu married to Satarupa and have offspring. Children and grandchildren of Manu called Manawa (literally means descendant of Manu), referring to the people of today. According to Hinduism, Manu and Satarupa Swayambu the first man and woman in the world.

Waiwaswata Manu or Manu is now, said to be the son of Surya (Wiwaswan), the sun god according to Hindu mythology. Manu Waiwaswata Satyayuga born in the days and establish the kingdom called Kosala, with the central government in Ayodhya. He had ten children: Wena, Dresnu (Dresta), Narisyan (Narisyanta), Nabaga, Ikswaku, Karusa, Saryati, Ila, Persadru (Persadra), and Nabagarista. In the book Matsyapurana, he emerged as the king who saved mankind from the flood disaster after receiving the message of Vishnu in the form of a fish (Matsya Avatara). Story of kings and rescue living beings is very similar to the history of Prophet Noah (Noah boat story / Noah in the torah) which save sentient beings from the flood disaster.

Manwantara (Sanskrit: मन्वन्तर) is a unit of time in Hinduism which consists of 71 Mahayuga. According to Hindu mythology, when 14 Manwantara has passed, then the whole world will be destroyed. Currently, six manwantara already passed and today is the seventh manwantara. So, there are still seven manwantara again before the world is destroyed.

According to the Puranas, the world is divided into four ages, preceded by Satyayuga (age of truth), and terminated by Kali Yuga (dark age). After the end of Kaliyuga, began the new Satyayuga. And so on and on the cycle times of Kaliyuga Satyayuga heading called Mahayuga. According to the book Brahmapurana, one Mahayuga lasted for 12,000 years of the gods or 4.32 million human years.

Briefly described as follows:
Satyayuga (1,728,000 years), Tretayuga (1,296,000 years), Dwaparayuga (864,000 years), Kali Yuga (432,000 years), So that the old Mahayuga (4.32 million years)

71 Mahayuga form one manwantara. Thus, the duration of 1 manwantara can be calculated as follows:
1 Mahayuga = 4.32 million years
71 Mahayuga = 1 Manwantara
1 Manwantara = 71 × 4.32 million years = 306 720 000 years
Thus, one manwantara lasted for 306 720 000 years. After 14 manwantara take place, then the period of one Kalpa was reached. The universe is destroyed every period of the Kalpa. According to various Puranas, today is the seventh manwantara, meaning six manwantara has passed and there are still seven manwantara again before the world is destroyed.

the apocalypse has also been described in the Vedas, that the apocalypse itself is unusual and has happened over and over time;
"Mawantara2, the creation and the end of the world it has been air-ulang2 times" Manawa Dharmasastra 1.80

Modern Creation Theory

Big Bang Theory is one of the development of homogeneous and uniform cosmological models based on Einstein's relativity, de Sitter and Fiedmann. With these considerations, the selection of units for the mass-energy dispersion becomes very important. We know that the planets and stars are not distributed evenly. The scientists chose a larger scale, at first believed to be galaxies are spread evenly throughout the space.

When Hubble surveyed 44,000 galaxies, unfortunately he did not find a uniform distribution, even he found the grouping (clustering). His research was continued by Fritz Zwicky in 1938 who found also that the galaxy cluster and is not distributed evenly. This is the underlying that clusters of galaxies (clusters of galaxies) is a suitable unit and clusters of galaxies are spread uniformly in space.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of a group of twenty-five galaxies. French astronomer Gerard de Vaucouleurs conduct research in a larger scale again in 1950, and also found that clusters of galaxies are not distributed evenly. He grouped galaxies in the supercluster that have a range of 200 million light-years. Scientists believe that the supercluster galaxies then this is the unit that is more appropriate because the universe looks evenly distributed. But there is another new discovery found that supercluster lies in a giant bubble. Inside the bubble is large cavity with no galaxies almost no mass and energy.
Uniquely Vedas have references to this gigantic structure on Satapatha Brahmin:
"When Apah heated, bubbles (Phena) created" - Satapatha Brahmana

Definition Apah already explained above that it is not merely water. There are enough references to prove that the Vedic people assume Apah cover the whole universe. With science without knowing the meaning of Apah, all religions and mythologies talk about the universe that is covered by water at the beginning of creation.

Mantram cited above, clearly proves that the Vedic people found the surface tension works so Apah be shaped bubbles. The discovery of giant bubbles in the large-scale structure of the universe proves the existence of surface tension in the evolution of the universe.

Because modern science fails to incorporate surface tension in the theory of the Big Bang, no wonder after seventy years of continuous research has not been able to predict the evolution of the universe.

The reason is obvious. The entire framework of the Big Bang is wrong.

Basically the theory of general relativity, space-time interval that is a solution of Einstein's gravitational field equations outside a distribution of matter. Interval of a space-time in general relativity theory always has a singularity. This singularity indicates the existence of a very massive object called a black hole (black hole). Object that behaves like a black hole but with reversed direction of time (time-reversed black hole) is called a white hole (white hole). Einstein's gravitational field equation contains a cosmological constant, which is still cause various controversies. The theory of general relativity is what underlies all relativistic cosmological model that describes the structure of a large-scale universe, it's just that until now the theory of White Hole - Black Hole has not been seen as a cosmological creation recognized as the Big Bang theory of creation. And it was about time White Hole Theory - Black Hole are justified in Vedic verses into alternative Modern Creation Theory.

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